Some things to think about BEFORE we return to in-person worship at King of kings


We are so blessed to have been able to continue our vital King of kings ministries, mostly online during this time of "physical distancing," as we have all sought to do our part to curb the spread of the coronavirus. THANK YOU for all that each of you has done by either staying home or continuing to work and serve on the frontline and in other essential jobs. Thank you also for your continued generosity and serving those in need in so many ways!  

In anticipation of the physical distancing guidelines slowly being relaxed, we are thoughtfully and carefully praying and planning for returning to in-person worship and other ministries at King of kings. It seems clear that, as we continue to be responsible, this return will not happen all at once. Rather, it will be a process over the weeks and months ahead as we move in phases that appropriately balance our eagerness to be together again with a continued emphasis on reducing risk as much as possible. We cannot simply "return to normal" immediately, but will be proactive and act wisely for our members and guests, BECAUSE YOU MATTER TO US!

This CONFIDENTIAL SURVEY includes several questions related to your current feelings about returning to regular worship and other ministry activities. There are also some questions related to your online worship and group experiences with us. Please return this survey by mail, drop it off at the church, or find the online version of the survey at Your thoughtful responses are very important to us and will assist us in planning how we can responsibly move forward into "new normals," BETTER TOGETHER!

This survey should only take about 10 minutes, and your input is very important to us at this time! THANK YOU so much for taking the time to help us serve our congregation and community better! If you would prefer to print out the survey and drop it off at the church, you can get a PDF version of the survey by clicking here.