Online Donations

You can now make donations to King of kings online from your checking account!   

You can set up one-time, weekly, or monthly donations.  What are the benefits of setting up a recurring donation?

     - Reduces check writing for frequent donors
     - Allows donations to continue uninterrupted during absences
     - Allows donations to be spread out over time
     - Reduces administrative costs for organizations
     - Consumes fewer resources than paper check processing

Getting started is easy!  Simply fill out the safe and secure form.  You start by clicking the button below.



ThrivenT Choice

Choice Dollars® directions can help support King of kings.

Think of the impact you—along with other eligible Thrivent members—can help make by directing Choice Dollars® to King of kings. The grant funding we receive from Thrivent Financial through this program can help us do more as a congregation.

Directing Choice Dollars is easy. Simply go to to learn more and find program terms and conditions. Or call 800-847-4836 and say "Thrivent Choice" after the prompt. Together, we can do even more to help strengthen communities and change lives.

Visit Thrivent Choice →

Kroger Community Rewards

Kroger is committed to helping our communities grow and prosper. Year after year, local schools, churches and other nonprofit organizations earn millions of dollars through Kroger Community Rewards®.

Kroger Community Rewards® makes supporting King of kings easy...all you have to do is shop at Kroger and swipe your Plus Card!  To get started, visit, log in with your Kroger Plus Card information, and select to support King of kings (organization 90635).

Visit Kroger Community Rewards →