SPARK SUNDAY SCHOOL meets on Sundays at 11:00am
during our 11:00am worship service.

SPARK 1: PreK*-K

*We ask that all Spark Sunday School students be completely potty trained before joining the class. If your student is not quite ready, we have a staffed nursery at the 11:00am service as well for children ages 4 and under.

SPARK 2: 1st-3rd Grade

SPARK 3: 4th-6th Grade

each year students will learn stories from the old and new testaments. Crafts, games, activities, skits, and songs make the stories come to life!



Meet the people whose stories are told in the Old and New Testaments! Together we learn these stories of God’s faithfulness and the love and redemption of Jesus Christ!



The Bible comes to life through this original skits, performed by our very own children and youth.